Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge First, with Key, 2nd edition, Editura Pearson Education Limited

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge First, with Key, 2nd edition, Editura Pearson Education Limited

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Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge First, with Key, 2nd edition, Editura Pearson Education Limited

Descriere (limba engleză):

A flexible approach for intermediate/upper-intermediate students (CEFR level: B2)
  • Integrated grammar and vocabulary practice for students preparing for the Cambridge First exam.
  • Can be used to accompany an exam preparation course or on its own for grammar reference and practice
Grammar for Cambridge First
  • Thorough review of key grammar points tested in the exam with thousands of corpus-based example sentences showing natural English in authentic contexts
  • A wealth of practice exercises for specific grammar points targeted on the exam
Vocabulary for Cambridge First
  • Focus on essential words and phrases that you need to know to write about a wide range of topics
  • Word Store at the back of the book focuses on topics and lexical areas that are important to know for the exam
Comprehensive practice and continuous testing in exam format
  • Entry Tests lead students clearly to appropiate practice of specific language points
  • Comprehensive practice  in each unit focuses on the grammar and vocabulary points presented
  • Exam Practice tests every two units test your knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary studied in the previous two units
Free one-year access to The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online
  • Access the best online dictionary, with extra exam practice and regular updates for the very latest language support

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
An apariție: 2012
Autor(i): Luke Prodromou
Editie: a II-a
Număr pagini: 319
ISBN: 978-1-4082-9059-0
Format (mm): 210x297
Tip copertă: broșată (paperback)
Limba studiată: Engleză britanică
CEFR (Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi): Nivelul B2
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